

There is a woman in our town that everyone knows. She wears all black all the time, with very long dreads, usually sunglasses, and uses an umbrella as a cane. She walks with a very serious stature, and one time I heard her talking to the police in our local grocery store and she sounded...


Bonfire Amigos

Going to Amanda’s is always a great time. We were having a bonfire for Nikita’s birthday (and Ron) – this was actually after I left for a long ride back from Millinocket (from Angela’s wedding). Ryan decided to show up soon after, which made it quite an awesome party...

Angela’s Wedding

Angela is the friend whom I have had the longest in this great life of mine. We grew up together and had the best of times together in high school (actually they were some of the only good times, besides Upward Bound), so it was great being a park of her wedding this summer (I was a groomsman). The pictures span the few days from parking lot photos at the hotel to the reception hall and up to her camp (where the wedding happened). I think some of the photos came out really...



Bebe is the cat that I have had the longest. I got her when I was about 9 years old (she’s getting up there in age!). She lives with my dad now, but I have some great memories with her. She was byfar one of the best cats that I have ever had – very loving and even though there was...


The Days of Yore

The day before Angela’s wedding, we all went to the Scootic for dinner. When we pulled into the parking lot we saw this old Ford car (with the dog), a photo HAD to be taken, there was no way around it, and I think it came out pretty...

Becky’s Tattoo Aug18

Becky’s Tattoo

I was very excited to go with Becky when she got her two back tattoos this summer. I always love going to Riverview to see Autumn and the crew – it’s always a hilarious and fun time – and this time was no different. Autumn did a great job!


A Sad Vorhees

I love this pin – Caitlin got it for me just randomly. It’s a great pun/horror/comic pin, which is a 3-part...


My Brover

I don’t get to see my brother very often, and it’s been about 6 years since he has been back to Maine, but this past summer he made a trip over. It was nice to see him and hang out – so I took a few photos for my contact list (in Pizza Hut). Good times, it was nice to hang...


The Itsy Bitsy

I am not a huge fan of spiders, at all. Our apartment always has tons of them outside, lingering, waiting to attack (sometimes I have to rush into the door because I feel like they will drop on me). This summer, things changed – my brother was visiting and he suggested “Home...


Mes Chats

I have the best cats ever! I’ve had Trudy (the one with the smushed in face) for about 2.5 years. She’s a very docile soul that pretty much spends her day being cute. I’ve had Boris for a little over a year – he’s a massive ball of fur. He likes to sleep on my...



On the way back from a trip to Massachusettes (Six Flags),  I thought the sky was very interestingly colored. It was very peaceful (and I was very tired), so it was a really peaceful...



I am posting this one separately because I think it's a perfect example of our summer staff. Mullen was having a lot of fun with this stick horse (or I told her to make pretend she was riding it, but either way!)