Finest Hipsta
I have been in the market for some new sunglasses for a while. Part of my reluctance to buy new glasses spans back about 4 years. I found the best sunglasses I have ever owned at the Bangor State Fair. They were great, gunmetal, reflective blue lenses, and generally looked badass! Well, like all great sunglasses, I forgot them somewhere, and they were lost forever! I have lost / broke several more over the years, and haven’t found any lately that I really love, until I went to Mardens! Now, typically these are not my standard type of glasses, they are a little hipster / gaga for me, but they were $1.50 and I figured, WHAT THE HECK. Now, I love them! Guess that’s what you get when you take a chance on crappy hipster glasses from Mardens 🙂 Sometimes you find a gem!